

declare class Matrix {}

Matrix math utilities

Instance Method


declare class Matrix {
  • Description

    Create a new matrix instance.


declare class Matrix {
reset(): void
  • Description

    Resets the this to the identity matrix.


declare class Matrix {
setTranslate(dx: number, dy: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to translate by (dx, dy).


declare class Matrix {
setScale(sx: number, sy: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to scale by sx and sy.


declare class Matrix {
setScale(sx: number, sy: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to scale by sx and sy, with a pivot point at (px, py).


declare class Matrix {
setRotate(degrees: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to rotate about (0,0) by the specified number of degrees.


declare class Matrix {
setRotate(degrees: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to rotate by the specified number of degrees, with a pivot point at (px, py).


declare class Matrix {
setSinCos(sinValue: number, cosValue: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to rotate by the specified sine and cosine values.


declare class Matrix {
setSinCos(sinValue: number, cosValue: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to rotate by the specified sine and cosine values, with a pivot point at (px, py).


declare class Matrix {
setSkew(kx: number, ky: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to skew by sx and sy.


declare class Matrix {
setSkew(kx: number, ky: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to skew by sx and sy, with a pivot point at (px, py).


declare class Matrix {
setConcat(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): void
  • Description

    Set the matrix to the concatenation of the two specified matrices and return true.


declare class Matrix {
preTranslate(dx: number, dy: number): void
  • Description

    Preconcats the matrix with the specified translation.


declare class Matrix {
preScale(sx: number, sy: number): void;
preScale(sx: number, sy: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Preconcats the matrix with the specified scale.


declare class Matrix {
preRotate(degrees: number): void;
preRotate(degrees: number, px: number, py: number): void;
  • Description

    Preconcats the matrix with the specified rotation.


declare class Matrix {
preSkew(kx: number, ky: number): void
preSkew(kx: number, ky: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Preconcats the matrix with the specified skew.


declare class Matrix {
preConcat(other: Matrix): number
  • Description

    Preconcats the matrix with the specified matrix.


declare class Matrix {
postTranslate(dx: number, dy: number): void
  • Description

    Postconcats the matrix with the specified translation.


declare class Matrix {
postScale(sx: number, sy: number): void;
postScale(sx: number, sy: number, px: number, py: number): void;
  • Description

    Postconcats the matrix with the specified scale.


declare class Matrix {
postRotate(degrees: number): void
postRotate(degrees: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Postconcats the matrix with the specified rotation.


declare class Matrix {
postSkew(kx: number, ky: number): void
postSkew(kx: number, ky: number, px: number, py: number): void
  • Description

    Postconcats the matrix with the specified skew.


declare class Matrix {
postConcat(other: Matrix): number
  • Description

    Postconcats the matrix with the specified matrix.


declare class Matrix {
invert(inverse: Matrix): void
  • Description

    If this matrix can be inverted, return true and if inverse is not null, set inverse to be the inverse of this matrix.


declare class Matrix {
mapPoints(pts: number[][]): void
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the array of 2D points, and write the transformed points back into the array.


declare class Matrix {
mapPoints(dst: number[][], src: number[][]): void
mapPoints(dst: number[][], dstIndex: number, src: number[][], srcIndex: number, pointCount: number): void
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the array of 2D points specified by src, and write the transformed points into the array of points specified by dst.


declare class Matrix {
mapVectors(vecs: number[][]): void
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the array of 2D vectors, and write the transformed vectors back into the array.


declare class Matrix {
mapVectors(dst: number[][], src: number[][]): void;
mapVectors(dst: number[][], dstIndex: number, src: number[][], srcIndex: number, vectorCount: number): void;
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the array of 2D vectors specified by src, and write the transformed vectors into the array of vectors specified by dst.


declare class Matrix {
mapRect(rect: Rect): void
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the rectangle, and write the transformed rectangle back into it.


declare class Matrix {
mapRect(dst: Rect, src: Rect): void
  • Description

    Apply this matrix to the src rectangle, and write the transformed rectangle into dst.


declare class Matrix {
mapRadius(radius: number): number
  • Description

    Return the mean radius of a circle after it has been mapped by this matrix.


declare class Matrix {
getValues(accept: number[]): number[]
  • Description

    Copy 9 values from the matrix into the array.


declare class Matrix {
setValues(values: number[]): void
  • Description

    Copy 9 values from the array into the matrix.


declare class Matrix {
setRectToRect(src: Rect, dst: Rect, stf: Matrix.ScaleToFit): boolean
  • Description

    Set the matrix to the scale and translate values that map the source rectangle to the destination rectangle, returning true if the the result can be represented.


declare class Matrix {
setPolyToPoly(src: number[][], srcIndex: number, dst: number[][], dstIndex: number, pointCount: number): boolean
  • Description

    Set the matrix such that the specified src points would map to the specified dst points.


declare class Matrix {
equals(target: Matrix): boolean
  • Description

    Returns true iff obj is a Matrix and its values equal our values.